Marine Society Records

Dear Hugh:

As it turns out we do have a lengthy bio of Capt. Hill hidden in the minutes of the Society’s meetings.
Second, researching information on Capt. Hill was very challenging as the only category where there is information on him is in the volumes of the Society’s minutes and this had to be researched on a page by page basis. However, I am pleased with what we recovered. I do hope you’ll find what we recovered very helpful.
Third, and most important, are our findings. Duplication of the findings can only be done via a camera, so the attached images are photographs of the pages of the minutes:

  1. 1Capt. George Strible Hill became a member of the Marine Society of New York on July 13th 1855 (see photos “Captain Hill Membership 1” and “Captain Hill Membership 2”)
  2. Capt. Hill became a member of the Marine Society’s Standing Committee in January 1878.
  3. Capt. Hill was elected secretary of the Marine Society on January 10th 1881                                                                                                                   – Photo “Captain Hill Secretary 1” is the minutes of the meeting electing Capt. Hill as Secretary of the Society
    – Photo “Captain Hill Secretary 2” is a newspaper clipping listing the newly appointed members of the Marine Society, Capt. Hill is mentioned.
    – Photo “Captain Hill Secretary 3” is the first recorded minutes by Secretary Capt. Hill.
  4. Capt. Hill’s last recorded minutes as Secretary of the in April 11, 1887 (photo “Captain Hill Secretary 4″)
  5. Due to illness Capt. Hill had to gave up the position and the minutes of June 13th 1887 reads “owing to the continuous illness of Capt. Geo. S. Hill, .. Capt. Trask was appointed Secy Pro-tem (see photo “Captain Hill Secretary 5″)
  6. Capt. Hill died on Monday, August 15th 1887 at his residence at No. 257 Steuben St., Brooklyn

– Photos “Captain Hill Passing 1, 2, 3, & 4” is the minutes of the meeting on October 10th 1887 where Capt. Hill’s passing was observed/discussed along with a significant bio on his membership with the Marine Society of New York.
– Photo “Captain Hill Passing 5” shows a newspaper clipping on Capt. Hill’s obituary.

We will continue to research the Packet Ship Orient and I will follow up with any findings.

Thank you for your patience; I hope it was worth your waiting.

Best Regards,
Shafeek Fazal, Associate Librarian
Assistant Director/Head of Reference & Access Services
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship
Stephen B. Luce Library
Maritime College, SUNY
6 Pennyfield Avenue
Throggs Neck, NY 10465
voice: (718) 409-7230
fax: (718) 409-4680

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