The last two days we made so little progress I did not think it worth noting. However we have a fair wind now, going seven and a half knots, sometimes eight. I only hope it may continue so we may make up some of our lost time. We are now fifty one days out, ought to hav been as far along in about thirty five. Our Brig that we met with on Tues., the Wanderer, has been in company with us ever since – until now he has just steered off about his business.
I have had neuralgia in my shoulder the last three days so I could with difficulty comb out my hair. Husband says I have been working too hard on the machine. With this exception, my health has been pretty good so far. I presume I took cold standing on deck in a thin jacket, we were too busy telegraphing I could not spare the time to come down for a shawl. Up to noon made 80 miles. If we keep this breeze all night we shall tell up considerable in the reckoning tomorrow. The bell rings for tea so I must close for the present.