Saturday, May 23rd, 1868

Four weeks out. Half way yesterday. Weather continues dreadfully hot, I have not a bit of strength, wet all the time with perspiration, and no wonder when we have the therm. ranging all the time from 85 to 90. I did think we should get through yesterday without any rain but it came down about 7 p.m., only lasted an hour. I have had quite enough of long voyages, if God spares our lives this time I hope to never go another. I miss Mary very much, particularly with regard to the washing. This weather we use considerable underclothing. I have found out the trouble with the machine, so have done considerable work, but the last two days there has been too much of a list to use it.

Mr. Mason is quite well again for which I am very thankful. A pig to be killed this afternoon, so we shall have some mock turtle tomorrow.



