Monday, December 23rd, 1867

The first time I have been able to write. The last eleven days has been the worst part of the passage, we were so near Cape Horn then as we are now. Gales of wind, head seas, currents and tides, a poor chance to get along with such elements to contend with. I have heard that it is considerable of a job to get round the Horn, still I did not expect we were going to have such a time as this. Wind steady all the time from the same quarter. This morn. We had a little fair wind for an hour or two, going six knots. Now it is ahead again. Still the weather looks better so I trust we will be able to weather the Cape. I have done little or no work, indeed work of any kind is out of the question with the continual uneasiness of the ship. As much as I can do to keep my seat on the sofa, but have done considerable reading in the meantime.



